Wednesday 11 August 2010

DD/MM/YYYY - Black Square

DD/MM/YYYY (that's Date Month Year, pronunciation fans) are a spunky, punky mix of all and no styles at the same time. Verging on the musically shambolic at times but maintaining a vice like grip on core beats, the chaos at the heart of Black Square is best summed up in the No Age blitz which is 'No Life', the mad jerk of 'Sirius' or frankly insane 'Lismer'.

Combining math and experimental rock with glitch core, spazzcore and generally grinding everything to hand into a two or three minute burst of occasionally painful Crystal Castle cast-offs, the bulk of the songs here are urgent workouts which belie the musical dexterity the group clearly possesses.

As a testament to the versatility they switch the pacing and drama around over the course of their thirty five minutes. It's not all blistering, heads down charging at the listener in contempt for the usual conventions. Subtler tunes like the coolly reflective 'They' and the Grizzly Bear gone berserk, jazz-referencing 'Birdtown' demonstrate their willingness to try something different, not that the other tracks are too normal in the first place.

Black Square is a genuinely mixed bag and deliberately so, but that automatically means DD/MM/YYYY's debut won't be everyone's cup of curdled milk.

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